Monday, November 26, 2012

Tips for Acing an Interview

With unemployment rates as high as they are, it is no surprise that many people are out looking for the perfect job this holiday season . . . or any job. So how do you stand out against the competition? Check out these tips for acing an interview!

1. Invest in a briefcase or something similar. Carrying a briefcase to an interview not only looks professional, it is functional. You can keep all of your papers, including resumes, neat and have a place to carry your pens. It is best to have both blue and black ink pens, and a notepad with you during an interview. The briefcase does not have to be expensive, and it doesn't have to be bulky or even have straps. A black faux leather zipper case you can carry in your hand will work.

2. Make sure to turn off your cell phone before the interview. It is best to turn off your cell phone when you are still in your car so that you will not forget. If your cell phone rings during the interview, it may come across to the interviewer as rude. At the very least, the interviewer may assume you are forgetful and unprepared.

3. Take several professional updated resumes to the interview. Even if you have already sent a resume to the prospective employer previously, it would be best to have several with you during the interview. If you can afford it, make sure the resume is printed on resume paper. You can go to a speciality printing shop and buy a few sheets of resume paper, or even get them to create a resume for you for a fee. If you have not created a resume, you might want to consider doing this before starting your job search. Having a resume to give (or send)to employers shows that you are a serious applicant who is willing to do what is necessary to succeed in life. This may also translate into how the employer sees you as a potential employee. If you are one of the few people to submit a resume with your application, you will stand out. If you are the only applicant who did not submit a resume with your application, you may stand out as well, but in a negative way.

4. Prepare for the interview in advance. Think about the different questions an interviewer might ask and how you would answer those questions. Some questions/statements an employer might use are listed below. Give me an example of a stressful situation you encountered in a previous job and how you handled it. What are your strengths/weaknesses? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your long term goals in life? What qualities do you have that make this job a good fit for you? What job tasks did you like most/least about previous jobs?

5. Dress appropriately for the interview. Most interview books will probably tell you to dress in a suit, preferrably a navy blue suit (skirt suit for women). The way you dress for an interview depends on a lot of things. Are you applying for a highly professional job (attorney, finance executive, etc.)? If so, you should probably wear a suit and a neutral colored button down shirt with a collar. Women should probably opt for a skirt instead of pants, closed toe shoes, and pull hair back in a ponytail. Are you applying for a job in the fashion industry? If so, you would have more options. For example, you may want to wear bolder colors, keep your hair down, and choose a modest but trendier outfit. Also, if you live in the casual southeastern part of the United States, you can often get away with a nice pull over short sleeve shirt, pants, and open toe shoes. If you have any concerns about what to wear to an interview, at least remember to look neat, clean, modest, and wear something nicer than jeans.

6. Research the company in advance. Know as much about the company as you can before going to the interview. Most companies today have a website that gives information about how the company was started, what their mission is, etc. It is good if you can incorporate a couple of these things into the interview, or at least have some information about the company in the back of your mind.

7. Prepare a professional list of questions for the interviewer. You should not only be prepared to answer interview questions, but also to ask specific questions about the company's policies. You should never ask about pay or benefits in the first interview, unless you get hired on the spot. However, asking a few good questions shows the interviewer that you have taken the time to prepare for the interview in advance. A few questions are listed below: What advancement opportunities are available at your company? Is this a grant funded position? This is especially important to know if you are interviewing for a position at a college or university because grant funded positions could be eliminated if there is not enough funding. Is there an advanced training program offered for this position? This is especially good to know if you are interviewing for a moderately or highly skilled job. This will help you determine whether you will be receiving on-the-job training or will likely be sent off for training. It will also show the interviewer that you are eager to learn.

8. Send a thank you note to the interviewer right away. Make sure to send a note thanking the interviewer for taking the time to speak with you. It is best to type a professional thank you letter if possible, and be sure to sign it. Some applicants will overlook this step, which could make you stand out from the competition.

9. Stay positive. If you have been looking for a job for a while and are not having any luck, remember to stay positive. If you appear hopeless or desperate, the interviewer may not be as likely to hire you. A lot of people go through hard times, and successful people often have many setbacks before eventually succeeding. The important thing is to keep trying!

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